
Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do.

Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do.

The best screenshots on my desktop right now. The Man Who Fell to Earth, Soylent Green, the gloriously shitty Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, a Japanese movie about space, other stuff about space and atomic bombs, etc.

Pi  cture 23

Pi_cture 10

Pic  ture 12

Pictu   re 1

Pictu  re 10

Pictu_re 6

Pictur  e 6

Picture 3

Picture 9

Picture 15

Picture 22

Picture 28

Screen shot 2013-02-09 at 8.07.46 PM

Screen shot 2013-04-03 at 10.14.58 PM

Pi ctu re 1

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